Artificial grass is a substitute for natural grass made artificially in the form of grass based on synthetic fiber,
Since it was first made in 1956 in the United States, it has been mainly used in sports facilities such as baseball, soccer, and golf courses,
Furthermore, it can be used in indoor gardens where lawns are impossible to grow, or outdoor areas facing the north of high-rise buildings with extremely limited sunlight time.
In particular, there are advantages such as being able to maintain the same color all year round and not being restricted by environmental conditions..
It is a type of long file length (35 to 65 mm) and is used in places where shock absorption force is required by using elastic chips or shock absorption pads.
The type of long file length (10-45mm) can be used in a non-chargeable form, and elastic chips or shock absorption pads can be used for the purpose of use.
Gyusa EBS Rubber Powder
TPU Rubber Powder
EPDM Rubber Powder
File manufacturing (radio) > thread connection to straightener > removal from office > backcoating > On-site installation > grass adhesion > filling paving > Completion